My Machinima | How to make your own |
Frist off a good way to get started is by having a graphics card or video recorder of somekind. You will need this as a way to record the movement of your charicters and to even make the video. Some people have video camras that can transfer video into the camra to record. The graphics card on the other hand puts the video into your computer as a AVI or some other video file. Most people on a budget will say that the best you can do for a graphic recorder is a Pinnacle Dazzle DVD recorder and Pinnacle Video Transfer make it easy to video capture. It will come with most of the supples that you will need to get started.(Depending on how you have stuff at home set up you might not have to buy as much but look up videos on youtube to see what you might need)
What you need to start after you have your video recorder is the programes to edit. If you buy the Dazzle it most likly come with Pinnacle studio editing software. Most machinimist prefer Sony Vegas over most others because of it's wider range of stuff it can do with your video and the editing that gose into it. The only thing that stands between you and your machinima is on the list of stuff to do.....wright a script and find some actors so play in it.
Nothing ruins a machinima more then a lose unwell script and actors who havent hit puperty. The script hast to be something that is new and origanl something most people haven't seen before. An exsample of something not origanl is making a copy of Red vs Blue and just changing the names of the chartcers and name of the show. Another thing that most people do that is wrong when makeing one is when they yell in the script they whisper yell witch makes them look like idiots because in real life you dont wisper yell you yell yell.
The last thing in making a Machinima is the background sounds and music sound tracks. For most Machinima the game prevides good sound for the gun fire and bombs and car sounds. If there is a part in your Machinima where there is some heart felt stuff then most likely you'll want some very soft music in the background. For that you will want to find some non-copyrighted music other wise most likely if you up load it to youtube then you will end up having no sound in your video because youtube and record indistrys dont understand that most videos that are made by us the fans don't make a profit so I dont see a problum but they do. Most of the time if you use the "HALO" game for it then you are alowed to use the sound track from the game under the games designers and music producers terms of use that it is for use in only in the world of Machinima.
For more in depth information I would say you should click and watch some of these videos on how to start if this dosen't help you understand then I think that maybe Machinima is not right for you. (DIGITAL PH33R Guide to Machinima) Digial Ph33r is the creater of some of the most known Machinima some of his titles include - "Arby 'n' the Chief", "Hard Justice", "Deus Ex Machina", "DigitalPh33r's Guide to Making Halo 3 Machinima", "It's a Wonderful Live","Master Chef Sucks at Halo"
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